

Digital Access To All US

Small town service. National access

TO DO List

 Date                          Task

Today            Company Growth Meeting

Yesterday      Need a NEW web presence - NOW!

Yesterday      Find 245 million customers

Today            Reach 137 million smartphone users

Tomorrow      Build a Mailing/Emailing List

Tomorrow      Computerize Inventory

ASAP            Sell product online

Accessing a New Customer Base


143,000,000 (yes, million) US mobile users access the internet. 137 million use their smartphone. Many people are finding a few minutes here and there and use this time for online searches and e-commerce. With an 18% growth rate in mobile users, a website needs to be mobile compatible.

2 Texting

DataUS uses the most up to date HTML5 web format which enhances both the home and mobile user experience. When designed correctly, a singe portal can be easily accessible by all users. Making your site mobile accessible opens the door to much more e-commerce opportunities. Remember that mobile internet growth is at 18%! Mobile friendly is the best way to go!