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Database Defined

Filing Cabinets

The world has always been full of data. As we experience the information age, one thing that becomes a requirement is the storage, organization, and retrieval of this information (data) because information is not helpful unless it can be easily assessed and used. A tool that has been developed to solve this is a type of need is called a database. Each database must be maintained by a program called a Database Management System (DBMS). They can be simple or very complex. Smaller DBMSs actually contain the database within them like LibreOffice's free Base and Microsoft's version called Access. More complex and often "cloud" based options are MySQL and SQLServer to name a few.

Databases are helpful for businesses who want to easily track inventory, customers and orders along with employees. Each business is unique and requires a unique database that will suit their specific needs. Databases are also required for any company that wants to develop e-commerce opportunities.

Once designed, they are easily updated and maintained. A database (dbase) becomes a seamless tool and soon blends into the function of any well run business. Soon companies find that it improves coordination, enables JIT inventory, reduces costs, and is able to give management, marketing, and production the needed information to improve their efficiencies.

Database Services Provided

Access 2013

DataUS can provide you with the information technology your company requires. Specializing in small business, we can help you identify the right solution for your data needs. This can be a simple as a free database solution for a single need of a active customer list to helping design a cloud based DBMS for e-commerce. Feel free to contact us for free advice, quotes or other services we provide. We are happy to assist with the needs of the individual, cottage industry, small business, or corporation. All inquiries will be kept confidential and DataUS will always maintain the highest ethics and confidentiality of information.